Create And Manage your PayPal Personal Account
Introduction PayPal is the most popular online payment service in the world. It's built on a solid foundation of security and speed, making it an ideal service for any business. The fees are reasonable, and PayPal offers a variety of helpful tools that can make accepting payments easier. However, you should be aware that setting up a PayPal account isn't as simple as signing up for an email address; there are some steps involved before you can start processing credit card transactions through your business' website or app. They won't take long to complete once you have all the information ready, but first we'll go over what those steps entail: Sign up for a PayPal account. Go to Click on the Sign up button at the top right of your screen and then click on the Create a PayPal account button (or skip this step if you already have an existing PayPal account). Fill out the form with your personal information, including an email address and passwor...